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2008-11-26 03:57:15
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Truth in the Word

Where we teach the Word of God, free from tradition

Welcome and salutations!  It is a pleasure to see visitors. Whatever your reason for visiting, I welcome you and hope that you enjoy your stay. Now, to give a brief description of what we hope to accomplish here.

Our Mission

   Our basic mission here at Truth in the Word is to enlighten. Enlightenment is something that comes from experience and learning. We here hope to help to enlighten all who come here. Through debates, arguements, and general conversation enlightenment can be done. But, whichever you plan on doing here you can learn many things. There is wisdom about many, many subjects in the Word of God. We hope to enlighten you about as much as we can.  I hope you enjoy your stay.

Bible Study---Here is where all can come and discuss the Bible and it's teachings. I plan on spending a good deal of time here, so I should be around to answer a good deal of questions. Feel free to discuss anything, but I request a friendly tone for no one learns anything when things are spoken out of anger. But, for those who wish to speak out against God, I refer you to the below section of Q&A.

Essays---Ah, here we are. Here you shall find essays on many subjects pertaining to the Bible. Some are rather simple and do not require much explanation, whereas others shall have to be defended because they show how some traditions are wrong.

Q&A Section---Here is where I shall answer questions sent to me to the best of my ability.

Those who see the Truth---Here is a list of those who count themselves members of this wiki.

Username (or number or email):


2005-02-09 [dragonflye]: I like it chub!

2005-02-09 [Priest Kel]: ^_^ Why thank you m'lady *bows*

2005-02-09 [dragonflye]: yay! *pets the chub*

2005-02-09 [Priest Kel]: ^_^ I plan on writing my first rant/essay today

2005-02-09 [dragonflye]: awesome! I'm too sick to even think. :(

2005-02-09 [Priest Kel]: I'm not!

2005-02-09 [dragonflye]: good.

2005-02-09 [Priest Kel]: I'm having a little bit of trouble finding this one scripture though

2005-02-09 [dragonflye]: what scripture might it be?

2005-02-09 [Priest Kel]: The one that says that God doesn't change. I've found it now though

2005-02-10 [dragonflye]: That's cool. Hedda is really awesome, you know that? lol

2005-02-10 [Priest Kel]: Why exactly is he awesome?

2005-02-10 [dragonflye]: Cuz he's really nice to me and wasn't all intimidating. he gave me a hug to make me feel better too.

2005-02-11 [Priest Kel]: Cool!!! ^_^

2005-06-01 [Dumpysaurus]: Oh, wow! It looks like there's a lot of great stuff to read here. I watch!

2005-06-01 [Priest Kel]: ^_^ I thank you Dumpy. You'll be the first official watcher I believe, unless [Delladreing] is

2005-06-01 [Dumpysaurus]: I really look forward to reading all of this! I bestow ^_^ upon thee for bringing this wiki into existence.

2005-06-01 [Priest Kel]: *bows* It was only partly my idea. Leeann gave me the idea and told me how to make wikis...I basically did the rest, but God gave me the talent and knowledge to write it. So, I give all credit to He who is our Creator and Savior

2005-06-02 [stavol]: dude you rock!!!

2005-06-02 [Priest Kel]: *bows* Yes, the Rock upon which I stand is great and higher than all kings.

2005-06-24 [Child of God]: *waves* Hi Everyone!

2005-06-24 [Priest Kel]: Greetings. I think the only one here that actually can respond to you is myself

2005-06-24 [Astra]: i have studed the bble since i was 12, can i join?

2005-06-24 [Priest Kel]: Have you read some of the essays?

2005-06-24 [Astra]: i scanned them...

2005-06-24 [Priest Kel]: Well you may want to wait on joining until I put up a specific one

2005-06-24 [Astra]: ah....ok

2005-06-24 [Priest Kel]: Just watch the essay page. You'll know the one of which I speak when it is posted

2005-06-30 [Slaughterâ„¢]: i dont know much about god...can someone help me?

2005-06-30 [Priest Kel]: What is your question?

2005-07-08 [The Raeven]: I could possibly help here if that's okay.

2005-07-08 [Priest Kel]: Welcome! Oh, and the person that wanted help has received some help all she really needs to do is start down the path

2005-07-31 [Adrie]: hello! i'd love to join.... what should i do?

2005-07-31 [Priest Kel]: Just let the owner know that you'd like to join and then just participate. Leave comments here or there after reading essays and such. Also, if it wouldn't be too much, advertise the wiki in your house.

2005-08-12 [Rx7god]: BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS

2005-08-12 [Ri'hala]: If you're intending BS to stand for what I think it stands for, you shouldn't be in here. You have no right to critisize anyone's religion, no matter how right you think you are.

2005-08-14 [Priest Kel]: She's right Bubbi, plus I don't think you have the proper capacity to argue properly in this environment. You have nothing to back you up, whereas we have God for He is our strength.

2005-08-14 [Ri'hala]: Exactly.

2005-08-17 [Priest Kel]: I don't believe he'll be coming back

2005-09-07 [Simply Real]: *sighs* at last a worthwhile place to rest in elftown for brothers and sisters. Mocker free I hope. :) Hello all.

2005-09-07 [Simply Real]: hmmm is it not a religion we are in but rather a relationship?

2005-09-07 [Simply Real]: Id like to join!

2005-09-07 [Priest Kel]: Well then, I guess I'll have to add you

2005-09-07 [Ri'hala]: Lol ^_^

2005-09-10 [Simply Real]: Man... I try ministering in this place [fake goths] and they just mock and tear the truth to shreds, thinking they are all so brilliant. Meh. I should just give it a rest. Hows the Christian world for all of you?

2005-09-12 [Priest Kel]: You can not tear the truth to shreds, only tear your words to shreds. Perhaps you should train yourself better for their arguements.

2005-09-12 [Ri'hala]: I've pretty much taken to ignoring the whole "Goth" thing, and focused on the the people themselves (Goth not including the relegion each particular person worships, I still pay attention to that.. Who cares if the clothes are black?). Mainly because "Goths" are members of a Germanic horde who invaded the Roman empire in the 3rd century (makes you wonder why the style is called goth, have you ever seen an ancient barbarian scampering about with straps dangling from their pants?)

2005-09-15 [Priest Kel]: From what I've been told the term gothic actually means plain and normal

2005-09-16 [Ri'hala]: Lol, well, I'm just quoting what I found in the dictionary *shrugs*

2005-09-17 [Priest Kel]: Well that's right too, I was just saying the term gothic with regards to architecture and clothing and such

2005-09-17 [Ri'hala]: Yep. That too *shrugs* Language is so confusing @_@

2005-09-19 [Priest Kel]: Only the english language really.

2005-09-19 [dragonflye]: It is the most complicated language on the planet after all.

2005-09-19 [Ri'hala]: Ch'yeah, lol. It's because English is basically a mangled, slightly altered mass of every other language existing c.c

2005-09-19 [Priest Kel]: Aye, that it is. Which is why the Bible being translated from Hebrew and Greek, it's original languages, to English poses some slight problems in translation

2005-09-21 [Ri'hala]: Yep, totally true.

2005-09-21 [Priest Kel]: Which the problems aren't as bad with tools like the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

2005-09-23 [Ri'hala]: *will have to look into finding that, lol*

2005-09-23 [Priest Kel]: Hehehe I recommend the Strong's Strongest Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. It's the exact same thing only it's a newer version. Scripture lists with Christ's words are in red, maps, and some measurements are added. In that I found that Lucifer isn't Satan's name at all, but a name that was given to the king of Babylon and traditionally taught by man to be Satan's name before he was cast out of heaven. Of course, I personally don't believe that Satan used to be a fallen angel.

2005-11-06 [Sammi! At The Disco]: Hi, I'm a fellow christian on this site and I'd like to join this wiki... more ppl need to be intorduce to the truth and I would like to start helping to spread the word of God, I'd like Him to do work through me. I've already opened a few people up to the bible and shared a bit of my religeon with them by inviting them to my youth group meetings but I would like to be able to do more than that

2005-11-06 [Priest Kel]: Well then, all I ask is that you advertise this wiki a bit.

2005-11-28 [Roccoriel]: Can I submit some essays? I wrote them for my sacred history class.

2005-11-28 [dragonflye]: yes send them to either me or [Priest Kel] or both so that we can read over them.


2005-12-26 [Roccoriel]: It's not actually Jesus' know that right? The date for Christmas was decided in the earlier part of the dark ages. The date was adopted by the European church as a means to coerce the pagan tribes of Germany and Britian to convert. The day we celebrate Christmas is actually a pagan holiday, a celebration of the winter solstice.

2005-12-26 [Roccoriel]: Of course, it's exactly the same for Easter. The date we celebrate Easter is another pagan holiday, adopted for the same reason. It's a celebration of the coming of spring, the spring equinox and a festival was already being held on that date in honor of Eostre, the goddess of the east and the sun.

2005-12-26 [Simply Real]: perhaps to you. I know the other views on it yes, but there are many ways to look at the sun. In the end each to one another, we are all blind. 

2005-12-26 [Priest Kel]: She's right you know. Both Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays and that is why my household does not celebrate them. Plus, the catholic church has got the details they cling to all wrong anyway.

2005-12-26 [Simply Real]: im not catholic. I got by the bible, the christmas story is in luke two, the day he was born, thats what we celebrate at christmas, so there for its his birthday. It may not be the actual date he was born and it may have pagan origins, but for christians its still the day we honor him and hold his birthday. Be all politically correct you want, that doesnt change anything in the heart of a loving christian.

2005-12-26 [dragonflye]: You may not be Catholic, but most Protestant traditions were founded because of Catholism. Jesus died at passover at the age of approximately 33 1/2. Which would put his date of birth approximately around Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur, which is around September. And if you think about it, Jesus died and was resurrected after three days. Friday to Sunday is not 3 days. Oh, and by the way, Do you celebrate Passover? And I'm not talking about the Lord's supper done every 5th Sunday. I'm talking unleavened bread, bitter herbs, and the like. If not, you're celebrating holidays he didn't command and ignoring the one He did.And as for Andrew (holy warrior kel) and I, we are very devout Christians.

2005-12-26 [dragonflye]: It says no where in the Bible that you are to celebrate Jesus' birth and it doesn't say December 25 was the actual Date. And shepards wouldn't be in the fields in the middle of winter. They'd get frostbite. Especially at night.

2005-12-26 [Simply Real]: heh heh yes yes very true very true, but its just as christian society would now have it, we link christmas to the birth of christ. The birth of christ being well detailed in luke 2 hence where we got the christmas story. So anyways. No no, i am still a youn christian and have much to learn, really concinrating on knowing Jesus and God personallty, as oposed to perfecting the rituals and celebrations. More so if you learn that before you learn who Jesus is, then its just religous and without meaning.

2005-12-27 [Ladyeternalflame]: Well I see nothing wrong with celebrating Christmas, and having fun and giving and receiving gifts this time of year. I regret the way Christmas has been so commercialized. I guess, that's the price to pay for prosperity. It isa Christian tradition to celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25th

2005-12-27 [Ladyeternalflame]: I love Christmas, partially because I am so spoiled and have a wonderful family. I like to help others this time of year. Who cares if the tradition started out as pagan, we obviously don't worship any pagan gods. It's just having fun. I thought only Jews an or Messianic, that is Jewish Christians celebrate Passover. (Celebrating when Moses led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt, right?)

2005-12-28 [Simply Real]: Yeah, so im pretty much a "gentile" and outside of the whole passover thing. But well put. For a Christian the celebration of Christmas has a different meaning perhaps than originally intended. *blinks* 

2005-12-28 [Priest Kel]: Well, on the subject of Passover, Christ Himself said to break the bread and drink the wine in rememberance of Him. When He said this, He was celebrating the Passover which does entail celebrating the Passover. Plus the fact that the Passover was to celebrate the Israelites being freed from bondage of Egypt, as adoptees into the House of Israel we celebrate it as the Blood of the Lamb (which is spread on the doorposts) covering our sins and freeing us from the bondage of sin and causing the Lord's wrath come Judgement Day to pass over us.

2005-12-28 [Priest Kel]: Well, if you want to go that route with beginnings being evil but it no longer is deal: what about All Hallows Eve a.k.a. Halloween? It was started as a religious (catholic) holiday to remember the dead, but was also a pagan holiday. Most Christian denominations and churches reach back to these roots of pagan tradition to declare that Halloween is evil. Regardless of what anyone says, I wish to ask a question: who decides what we celebrate and what we don't celebrate? Are God's rules not the only important ones? And if that is the case, which it is for the Body, then why celebrate something that He did not command us to celebrate? What is the point in celebrating Christ's birth to...

2005-12-28 [Priest Kel]: begin with? The first church didn't and there is no mention of this holiday anywhere in the Bible, so it seems that any validity that anyone tries to claim to it is void and meaningless.

2005-12-28 [Simply Real]: This about this, setting aside a dayto praise the Lord for his son Jesus Christ... Do you think that is meaningless to God? Or is he looking down, smiling at his loving children who are thanking him for his son? Meaningless? hardly...

2005-12-28 [Priest Kel]: But should we not love and praise the Lord everyday? Why should we only have one day set aside for Him when we should live our entire lives for Him?

2005-12-28 [Simply Real]: That is true, was not saying we should not do that. We love the Lord everyday, give as much love as we can everday. I guess, Christmas is just a special day of honor for Jesus's birth, a time to really think about Jesus and his birth.

2005-12-28 [Priest Kel]: He doesn't need a special day for honor considering the fact that everyday should be a special day for honoring Him. And if nothing else, we have one day a week to honor Him and His death, it's called The Sabbath.

2005-12-29 [dragonflye]: Oh and another thing. Jesus probably isn't all too fond of having a day set aside like that for him. He was, after all, a humble man.

2005-12-29 [Simply Real]: *smirks* say what you will, either way I know God was with me as I spoke to my family Christmas morning, I know he was pleased and spirit was about me. I know he was smiling as Jesus was honored and brought into my home. Do what you will, to each his own I suppose.

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Of course God was pleased, Christmas is the one day a year when those who supposedly follow Christ actually act as they should. Why would He not be happy about that?

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: I can think of why he wouldn't be happy about what Christmas tends to be now. Its the celebration of shops and other materialistic things for too many people, which even as a non Christian, annoys the living heck out of me o.O

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Bravo Fiona

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: Thank you :) I just thought it was about time I said something, I mean I've been watching the page since you first gave me the link

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Really? And never a simple comment? For shame ^_^

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: Eh *shrugs* I just never seemed to be able to think of anything to say. But I have been doing a lot of thinking about the holidays recently and that struck a chord makeing me pipe up :p

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Well, we all know the Christmas story. It starts off something like this *ahem* Once upon a time there was this pope who wanted more converts so he could have more money...

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: *snorts* indeed, I want my holiday back damnit :p hehe naw I don't mind Christmas...if it were actually like it was meant to be. Heck I'd even go to my families church but theres no point at all anymore. The sermon I am told this year was about shopping ><

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Are you serious?

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: Would I make a joke out of that? o.o; my friend went along with his mother, afterwards he came out and phoned me up to say "duuuuude even the service was comercialised!"

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Well, I can't say that I'm 100% surprised because that's just the way societal christians are.

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: Bah hum bug says I. If I so happen to marry a christian man then despite the fact I will want them to know about my faith I will aslo make damn well sure they understand and know what the eff Christmas is about. And if so help them gods they say "presents" I am going to have to be a scary mama

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Well, obviously from my comments, you can tell that I don't agree with the celebration of Christmas or Easter for that fact...or really any holiday that is supposedly Christian when in reality they all were created by the Catholic church. Aside from Passover of course. ^_^ I love Passover and can not wait to celebrate it again.

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: *grins* I remember you telling me that....but yea I will keep ester I think, the chcocolate makes it bearable for me :p

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Lol! That's all that holiday is worth anyway

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: mmm chocolate...i mean er yea...I am also thankful for my religious holiday then at nearly the exact same time but...the chocolate makes it better :p

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Lol What holiday is that?

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: Oestra, where we paint eggs brightly to celebrate the fertility of the young goddess. And in gneral make gluttons of ourselves :D I mean...deep religions sybolism of feritily and souls and uhm...damn I'm just too hungry to think right now

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Lol That sounds like Catholic easter to me

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: Funnily enough...*coughs*

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Heheh

2005-12-30 [Delladreing]: :p

2005-12-30 [Priest Kel]: ^_^

2006-01-05 [Tranquility]: hello there ^^

2006-01-05 [Priest Kel]: Greetings

2006-01-05 [Tranquility]: lol well what exactly are we doing?

2006-01-07 [Simply Real]: Holy Warrior, take this in the right spirit, but man, you just come off as religious

2006-01-07 [Tranquility]: whats that mean?

2006-01-08 [Child of God]: ???? How do you mean that [Tranquility]??

2006-01-08 [Tranquility]: I just wasked what he meant...that what meant :P

2006-01-09 [Priest Kel]: I'm curious how I come off as religious when I'm trying to do my best to not celebrate incorrect traditions

2006-01-09 [Delladreing]: *is confudled*

2006-01-09 [Priest Kel]: Me too

2006-01-09 [Delladreing]: Maybe they in what religion should be? o.O'

2006-01-09 [Priest Kel]: Either that or they're judging me because I pointed out how they're tradition is based on non-Christian things.

2006-01-10 [Tranquility]: hey traditions tradition so lets have a bit off fun and not get to serious about it :P

2006-01-10 [Child of God]: ??? I'm still confused on how we got to that topic but anyway . . .

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: ...uhm...o.O

2006-01-10 [Tranquility]: whats so wrong about celebrating christmas?

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: I believe it is the inaccuracies in and the way in which as Kel says its based on actual non-Christian things now and so are the traditions. Christ was not born in December, but his birth was conveinantly moved right on top of the other pagan solstices in an attempt to intergrate and effectively overide the winter solstice.

2006-01-10 [Tranquility]: how do you know the day jesus was born?

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: Extensice research of over 6 years, I believe it was possibly in spring at some time o.O Kel will probably be able to tell you it better than me but he wasn't born in December.

2006-01-10 [Tranquility]: but you don't know it and no one does and no matter how much research you do, it could be wrong and you would never know...

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: Yes, but its a plain and simple fact, that the Catholic CHurch moved all their holidays on top of the pagan ones, and for some reason the date March 16th is sticking in my head just now. But if you look at it logically. from the birth sorey, the shephards are out tending to their flock in lambing season which is the spring, there is also something to do with astrologers looking back at star patterns which enables them to tell the time of year for that time, I'd need to go through my attic to find all my things I am afraid, and I don't have the time to do that o.O its shocking, I used to know most of my things by heart and now I can barely remembner >.o

2006-01-10 [Tranquility]: ok well its beside the point. we're celebrating the IDEA of the birth of jesus not the birth of jesus himself the date shouldn't even matter should it?

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: well it can do to some people. It wouldn't bother me if I were Christian because as you say, I'd just be celebrating in my own way birth of Christ but I know some people it really would matter to.

2006-01-10 [Ladyeternalflame]: Does it really matter? We celebrate Christmas not only to honor Jesus but to have fun. Who cares if the origins are pagan? We obviously are not pagans and do not worship or acknowledge pagan gods.

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: *sigh*

2006-01-10 [Child of God]: Though it is true that Christ wasn't born in December, where is the harm in celebrating His birth? Though I agree that Christmas has become way too commercialized, the idea behind goodwill toward men and peace on Earth is something which is conistant with Christian belief. It is basically the only time of year (in North America at least) that people get to hear about the birth of Christ and though yes, many do turn a deaf ear to it, there are those who's interest become 'peaked' in Jesus. I would dare say that it is the biggest time of year for evangalism on an international scale. Throughout history, God has used many non-Christian things (and non-Jewish for before Christ) to His purpose

2006-01-10 [Child of God]: and I believe that is what He is doing for Christmas. Even though it began as pagan, God is using it to His advantage and means.

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: ...yes, I'm afraid he is.

2006-01-10 [Child of God]: Why would that be a bad thing?

2006-01-10 [Tranquility]: its not its just that these people are afraid to have anything to deal with paganism no matter what personal beliefs

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: It just is for me and my "kind" that is all, its our traditions that got nicked :p

2006-01-10 [Child of God]: That may also be unfair to say. I used to be a Witch, so I have a bit of a problem now with Halloween. I can respect some people saying they don't want to celebrate a festivity because it has pagan roots and the philosophical and theological implications which come with that, but only in the cases where it is a direct contradiction to our beliefs and can't be used to further the Kingdome of God and His purpose

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: The comercialisation oh Halloween also annoys me, its pretty much the same annoyance Christians get from overcomercialise Christmas, to me it is one of the most important festivals, and how is it remebered, by kiddies dressing up as pop stars coming to your door and asking for candy >.< gods atleast be something scary ;) But heh yea, I do see your point

2006-01-10 [Tranquility]: lol hey the only reason I celebrate haloween is to have a little fun. seriously whats sorong about getting free candy and dunking ur head into a tub to get an apple?

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: Nothing :P I was being silly, but thats like me saying "I only celebrate Christmas for presents"

2006-01-10 [Child of God]: It's the origin behind it. Though in this day and age many don't care about purpose or orgin, it is still very important in any religion and/or lifestyle. People are too afraid to look at the deeper meaning of things because they know what they will find is in contradiction to what they believe. I'm not condeming people who do this, I'm just saying that this is the way it is. For example, I refuse to wear brand name clothing. I think it's stupid that commercialism has reduced North Americans to such a low creature as to pay an outrageous amount for a piece of cloth with a designer label that was made through the exploitation of those less fortunate than us. But most people don't care. They

2006-01-10 [Child of God]: like it so they do it. They like it so they bought it. They don't care where it has come from or what it means, they just know they like it/want to do it and proceed as such. It's part of the cultural mentality that we live in. So long as we are benefiting ourselves in some way, we don't care about the 'minor' details because there is a general belief that there's nothing you can do about it any way so why bother.

2006-01-10 [Priest Kel]: And in your last message lies the reason why I refuse to celebrate Christmas. "It's the origin behind it." The Catholic church created the holiday of Christmas to supposedly celebrate Christ's birth but in reality was to hopefully convert more pagans at the time by lining it up directly with one of their holidays. This is fact. The idea of celebrating Christ's birth is very well and good, but you should be doing it every day, not just one day out of 365. Which would the Lord prefer you do? Celebrate Him on one day? Or all of them? Consider this and then consider the supposed "importance" of Christmas. Evangelism should exist and thrive at all times of the year, not just one...

2006-01-10 [Priest Kel]: particular season of it. If Christians actually did as the Lord God commanded and spread the word to every nation, tribe, and tongue then there wouldn't be the need for Christmas' "special evangelical missions." And actually, I can tell you closer than most what Christ's birth was, but it would be in the Jewish calendar more than the Pope, I mean Gregorian calendar. Christ was crucified during the Passover feast correct? And He was 33 and a half years old correct? That means that you could count back six months and then you would have his estimated birth date thirty three years earlier. Counting six months back from Passover leads you to the Yom Kippur/Rosh Hashanah feasts area....

2006-01-10 [Priest Kel]: I, as well as my pastor, feel that the proper day for Him to be born would be on the day of Yom Kippur since it translates to Day of Atonement. What better day for the Cleanser of Sin to come to this Earth to make atonement for us all? And those two feasts are in the September/October area, not in December. Plus, since He was born using the Jewish calendar, you would logically only be able to track His birthdate properly on a Jewish Calendar, not a Gregorian Calendar. I really should put all of this in an essay format for all to read. *Note to self: write the bloody essay!*

2006-01-10 [Delladreing]: lol yes write the essay :P

2006-01-10 [Priest Kel]: I shall, but not yet

2006-01-10 [Child of God]: I wasn't saying that we shouldn't celebrate all year or need any 'special' time for evangelism, but in reality that isn't the case. Sad as it may be, it is true. Though it is not the way things should be, it is the way things are and again, I believe this is an example of how God can use something pagan for His purpose

2006-01-13 [Priest Kel]: And just because that's the way the mainstream world is, doesn't mean that is the way that His children should behave. Remember, be in this world but do not conform to it's ways.

2006-01-15 [Simply Real]: thank you child of God, couldnt have said it better myself. We do not veiw christmas as just as a time to have fun and drink, no thats the worldy way, they want their stuff and its all about getting stuff. No as a christian one should not buy into that aspect of it. But the goodwill towards men, love and peace as a time to minister and speak the word of God, as like ChildofGod said, its peak time as many people are more open to it during the Christmas holidays. Dont get so caught up in the minute details, dont get caught up in an organised religion. As Christians I beleive we are not as such. 

2006-01-15 [Simply Real]: evangelism does thrive all through out the year, it would be foolish if it didnt. Just during christmas, more people can, are and will be saved than any other time of year. Pretty foolish day to just let go because of its "origions" Id like to be there on the day God speaks to you about Christmas and your choice in not partaking in it. heh heh.

2006-01-16 [Tranquility]: wow you people arite alot O.o

2006-01-16 [dragonflye]: Ok, I want to ask all of you a question. What is the VERY FIRST THING YOU THINK OF when you wake up on Christmas Day? Be honest.

2006-01-16 [dragonflye]: Personally, I think about the fact that it's my birthday.

2006-01-16 [Priest Kel]: Well, since Judgement Day is one single time period you will be there, and second when the Father asks me why I didn't celebrate Christmas as the Catholics and the Protestants after them did I'll tell Him the truth: "You did not command it of me my Lord." I celebrate the birth and death of Christ day in and day out by enjoying my life and giving Him the glory that this is His world, not ours. Unlike most other people in this world, I don't need a special day to do such. The Bible does not command such a holiday, but the Catholic church did. And with as many supposed Christians that preach against the Catholic church that still follow all it's holidays and celebrations, they might as...

2006-01-16 [Priest Kel]: well just bow down to the pope. He is the one who declared such feasts anyway.

2006-01-17 [Child of God]: That's a bit of an unfair statement though. Again that is going back to origins, but I also believe it is your personal purpose for it. Did you also not celebrate Christmas? Or Halloween? Or Easter (with the bunny I mean)? Most people haven't. Most have celebrate these, or some variation of these in their lives and it is what they were taught about those holidays that decide the personal meaning for them. At the age we are now though, yes we can say if those reasons were right or wrong, but we can identify it with deeper meaning. That is the whole point. The deeper meaning of the holiday, not it's origins.As Christians, yes we do praise and thank God everyday for His gift for us, but

2006-01-17 [Child of God]: Christmas again provides us with the opportunity to spread that to others, as they are more open than at any other time of the year. That isn't to say that the Holy Spirit can't make a person open at any time of the year, but I personally believe that the Spirit uses this holiday for the purpose OF opening people up more to the message

2006-01-17 [Priest Kel]: It's not an unfair statement, it's the truth. Unless God commanded the holiday, then there is really no point in celebrating it. He did however say "Do this in rememberance of Me," at the Passover feast to His disciples, and yet most Christians don't. You all seem to be clinging to your traditions. I guess you all also think that the Sabbath is Sunday.

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